Montréal, October 2, 1999
"Listening not to me but to the Logos, it is wise to agree that all things are one."
--- Heraclitus, 500 B.C.
The 'way the world works', according to modern physics, seems indeed as Heraclitus implies. Each individual relating to the whole ensemble through the 'participation' of space. While Heraclitus calls it 'the Logos', ... modern physics would call it the 'field'.
Why 'listen to the voice of the containing whole', to nature itself, rather than listen to one another?
The model that twentieth century physics (and Heraclitus) agree on is that the world works like an ensemble of iron filings floating in a relativistic curved space. If an individual 'filing' 'speaks' (acts), ... it alters the whole containing field which immerses it and all other filings. This field alteration alters their opportunities for movement, making it tougher to move in some directions and easier to move in others.
Imagine, for a moment, that this ensemble of iron filings is in an equilibrium with the field so that everything is static and still, ... nothing moves, ... even though the spatial patterns of field strength and filings come together in places and diverge in others. Then, out of the silence of stasis, one of the filings 'hiccups' and in doing so, it changes the field and the other filings are no longer in equiibrium and they start to move to adjust back towards equilibrium, ... but as they move, they too change the overall field and this means that the both themselves and the others must make further adjustments in moving towards their equilibrium. So all it takes is on 'little bang' for a never-ending process (as long as there is energy in space), ... and from "so simple a beginning, endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been and are being evolved.", ... to steal the last eighteen words from Darwin's 'The Origin of Species'.
So it is clear from physics that 'what goes around, comes around', in fact this old 'saw' is an excellent descriptor of curved space-time.
This description of space is something we say is 'real', ... it is a description we have spoken about for the last 75 years, ... the self-referential curved space of relativity, ... the co-resonant 'observer effect' of Heisenberg, but our western society, entrenched for 2500 years in Aristolian logic, Euclidian space and linear time, ... resists assimilating it. In fact, it is clear that our society, as a result of ignoring container-content-coevolution, is something 'which just happened while we were busy making other plans', to paraphrase John Lennon. ... And so it goes. Mainstream 'science', ... which has still not 'caught up' to this relativistic understanding of 'how the world works', ... and continues to 'solve problems' and 'deliver solutions' on a fragmented basis, without considering the 'reciprocal effects' of those solutions on the whole of our containing nature, ... and without considering how our 'solutions' alter the opportunity configuration of-the-whole which is modulating our continuing evolution. Mainstream science does not have a view of the world which includes the containing whole they work within, ... as they work on problems 'in front of them'. And this blindness on the part of mainstream science, as to how what they touch in front of them disturbs the container they are working within, .... because of our science-orientation, ... is emulated by society as a whole.
Our society sees 'freedom' in terms of the right of the individual or the corporation to do what they want to do, without considering how it alters evolutionary opportunity for the others. They need only to ensure that there is no 'causal' infringement on the rights of others, ... 'causality' being the mainstay of western understanding of 'how the world works' and therefore underpinning our sense of justice and our regulatory systems.
But in the finite volume of the biosphere in which we live, ... to understand 'how the world works', we need concern ourselves with more than just the 'push' of 'cause' and the 'upwelling' of new tangibles, ... we need also to concern ourselves with the reciprocal side of the natural cycle, ... the 'pull' or 'suck' of 'consumption' as existing tangibles are 'subducted', as in plate tectonics, into the internal 'space' within the interior of the curved space system. That is, matter, ... 'things', ... our iron filings themselves, ... are the 'precipitates' of space; i.e. material things are not eternal, ... neither could they exist without a containing space to exist within, ... thus they upwell or are precipitated into the container and subsequently subduct back down into it again, ... they experience 'life' and 'death' and the only thing which outlives the matter is the containing whole of nature within which this cycular evolution transpires.
So, what about the 'consumption' side of the cycle, ... it is clearly an essential aspect of reality, ... how does it mesh with 'causal'? By consuming the fresh spring water so that the stream bed is dry farther downstream, where my neighbour lives, ... and running my urine off onto his property at some other point, ... how does our society handle such issues with a causal justice system? Well, a western judge would say that since I 'owned' the water source, I am entitled to consume it, ... but I am not entitled to run off my urine onto my neighbour's land. In the end, a settlement will be made which says that I give an occasional bucket of spring water to my desperately thirsting neighbour to compensate for my urine running onto his land.
Wait a minute, .... what's that you say, ... that the spring water probably came from an acquifer which goes for many miles, up into the mountains perhaps which it is replenished by the snowmelt, ... the snow being replenished by the sky and the sky by the oceans and the whole resource have roots which seem never to stop. How can the law protect the monopolization of such a resource which is part of our common heritage, ... part of nature? That's what the native north americans tried to say when the idea of sovereign ownership of land and 'selling' land was proposed to them, ... it didn't work then and it doesn't work today.
Freedom regulated by causality, and lacking a 'whole-and-part' ethic, does not 'cover' the alteration of others' opportunity accruing from consumption. It does not deal with the loss of availability of hydrocarbons, to our great grandchildren or to the vanishing of opportunity to see whales, birds, bears and other species which have either been 'harvested' to the point of extinction or have had their habitats rendered so unfit and toxic for them that they have died out. Freedom regulated by causality, and lacking a whole-and-part ethic does not handle the fact that those with power and resources may be harboring mad dreams of moving on to other planets after stripmining the life-giving resources from earth, ... and leaving the 'defective' people and organisms who were 'unable to compete', behind in the stinking slag heap, ... as they try to escape from 'suffocating in their own excrement' as 'Chief Sealth' had prognosed in his dialogue with President Harding?
How is it possible that science and society can focus on single issues, ... on 'solving problems', ... out of the context of the effect on the 'container' within which this problem-solving takes place? How is it possible that a person can see their life in the narrow terms of a personal struggle against barriers in front of them and lose sight of the containing dyanamic of 'life' in which they are immersed? How is it possible that we can continue on in this dysfunctional manner?
Understanding these issues, ... understanding 'community as complex system' has been my quest in this essay series, .. each essay leading to new thoughts, dialogue with others, and further researching and investigation, ... bring me back around to the same issues from many different vantage points.
In the process, I have been assimilating what Heraclitus was saying and which has emerged time and again in the issues considered in my essays; ... that one must 'listen to the containing whole' and not to a series of single issue explanations, since an understanding of something which is continually emerging from a whole-and-part harmony (interference source) cannot be fully explained part by part or by causation.
My attempts to dialogue on this subject with people in science or in business or in government or in education have led nowhere. This is largely because everyone is busy solving problems, and they have no time for what they consider to be 'philosophical' discussions. In fact, many people look down on such 'sophistry' and take comfort from knowing that they themselves are actually engaging in real life necessities, ... they are 'making shots' and pocketing balls, ... producing results which are clearly measurable and valuable, rewarded and respected. I can't count the number of times people have told me 'give it up' because they truly believe that one must not spend one's time 'philosophizing' but must 'accept reality' and get on with it.
And I agree with them... there's just this one small problem with this thing we call 'reality'. The reality of one iron filing reaching out to touch another and simultaneously changing the future for everyone, ... the reality of being a 'strand in the web of life', ... is a radically different reality than one which sees individuals as detached from community and nature, and local problem-solving actions as 'adding together' to provide solutions for complex, global problems, ... a euclidian flatspace reality where it is never contemplated that the effects of one's actions can and will come back around and hit you from behind, because this 'reality' sees space as rectangular and infinite.
So why would anyone be interested in talking to folks like me about 'models of reality' while they are busy competing to find better solutions to important problems? ... while they are responding responsibly to the direct and immediate needs of humanity? Why should they entertain ideas which would not only undermine their whole approach, but which also views their efforts (but not their intent) as 'part of the problem'? Why listen indeed, since there is no money in it, ... since the patronage in science and commerce and government is for problem-solving, ... for solving individual problems, ... and that's how the payments, rewards, honors and respect etc. are allocated.
If the feedback or rewards systems are not appropriately oriented, ... then at least our systems of communication should be able to tell us that. But, unfortunately, as Henri Laborit points out, ... that's how our culture bundles its communications as well, ... on a single issue basis. People do not have the time to sit and listen to a bunch of relational stuff which cannot be swallowed point-by-point but which one must listen through without first understanding and subsequently understand by bringing the web of relationships into connection in the mind. We have tuned our 'ear' to the concise statements of the glib commentator and have lost our 'ear' for listening to nature, ... for listening to the voice of the container in which we are immersed.
A couple of days ago, I ran into an odd exception to this focus on blindly applying science to problem-solving without accounting for 'reciprocal' effects, ... it was on one of my web browses, and it said;
Second International Cybersymposium on Gödel's Theorem: --- Announcing a transdisciplinary cybersymposium and call for papers in English and French. URL:
Now the glorification of Gödel's Theorem is not what I am into, ... and I may be the only person to feel this way, but it seems to me that Wittgenstein got short-changed (like Heraclitus) by coming up with the concept but not going so far as to put it into the precise mathematical terms (mathematical proof) that Goedel did and which our society seems to so highly favor. 'Wisdom' may indeed be 'understanding how the world works', .. but in our society, what makes a difference is being able to 'clearly articulate how the world works' in crisp linear terms.
Now what Gödel's Theorem says is that there are things in our reality which cannot be crisply articulated (finitely); i.e. ... that; ". . . mathematics is incompletable in this sense, that its evident axioms can never be comprised in a finite rule, that is to say, the human mind (even within the realm of pure mathematics) infinitely surpasses the powers of any finite machine . . .".
It seems to me that there is good news and bad in the fact that people focused preferentially on Gödel's Theorem because it was a 'proof', ... a linear articulation of the fact that our general reality cannot be linearly articulated. The bad news is that their action underscores our over-focus on linear articulations even if they are incomplete, ... as opposed to nonlinear articulations (relational, self-referential, poetic), even if they are far more complete. And the good news is that by over-focusing on linear articulations of the fact that linear articulations are incomplete, ... we may inadvertently trigger an awareness to our over-focusing on linear articulations.
Appended to this essay is my submission to the Cybersymposium, wherein I attempt, ... not to solve a particular problem, ... but to put the reader 'in touch' with the voice of the container which seems to me to be saying that our limitations in logic (Gödel's Theorem) represents an 'incompleteness' which precludes 'self-referentiality (as experienced in nature) and which couples with two other 'incompletenesses', ... the incompleteness of the euclidian voyeur perspective, which precludes curved space-time perception (as gives an inherently more complete view of nature), and the incompleteness of the psychological notion of 'problems' which precludes the psychological notion of an 'evolving field of opportunity' (as characterizes an overall experiencing of nature).
Listening to nature is not easy, but it is far more fulfilling, in my estimation, than focusing on a growing plethora of problems. Put yourself, for a moment, in the shoes of the skilled pool player. As he 'listens' to the 'shape' of the containing configuration, he eagerly awaits the chance to re-interpret the new configuration of opportunity each time the balls are moved, ... looking out for those prior opportunities which have been 'closed down' and the new ones which inevitably have been 'opened up'. Tuning in to this mutually inclusive enfoldment of 'good' and 'bad' IS the essence of the game for him, ... and making shots is simply the fallout and cleanup from his efforts to shape and interpret the opportunity field. Put yourself, for a moment, in the shoes of the poor player, ... the 'shotmaker' who ignores 'shape' and sees everything instead in terms of 'problems to be solved' and sees each move made in the mutally exclusive terms of 'progress' or 'setback', ... as a linear progression towards winning (or losing). This is rather a different psychological flavor than seeing every move in terms of a continuing emergence of new opportunity fields from which a whole new outlook on the game can spring to mind at any time.
In the real world, our containing space is not infinite and rectangular as we are taught in school and continue to be taught every day in a zillion ways by the 'medium' of western culture, ... a culture of detachment and alienation, of sound-bytes and knowledge fragments rather than whole-and-part harmony. But the reality is that we do not live in an infinite rectangular space, .... we live, Instead, on the surface of a finie unbounded (bio)sphere where 'what goes around, comes around', ... where all individuals are simultaneously a part of the whole of nature, ... each of us, strands in the web of life, ... a reality which suggests that, ...
"Listening not to me but to the 'Voice of Nature',
it is wise to agree that all things are one."
* * *
Dr Z.W. Wolkowski
Boite courrier 64
Université Pierre et Marie CURIE
4, place Jussieu
75252 PARIS Cedex 5, France
The following paper is in response to the Call for Papers in English and French for the Second International Symposium on Gödel's Theorems
Gödel's Theorem and The Theory of Relativity
Ted Lumley, Montréal, September 30, 1999
While Gödel's Theorem speaks to the incompleteness of finite systems of logic, ...the Theory of Relativity speaks to the incompleteness of any system description which depends upon a fixed reference frame. These two 'incompletenesses' can be brought together in a single thought experiment, ... and from their confluence, .. the quantum duality issue of the incompleteness of the particulate-causal approach to perception and inquiry, ... relative to the 'wave interference' view also emerges. This juxtaposition or 'synthesis' of limitations of logic, limitations of reference framing, and limitations of perceptual approach, appears to yield insights on a considerable range of problems, including the incomplete understanding of resonance zones in the solar system, ... and the questioning, within the medical community, of the hypothesized causal relationship between HIV and AIDS.
The finite curved space of relativity has been figuratively described by Feynman and others in terms of 'living' on the surface of a finite and unbounded sphere. Since we live on such a sphere, the earth, it is possible to visualize the curved space of relativity in the context of the earth, and set up a simple 'thought experiment' which brings Gödel's Theorem and The Theory of Relativity into confluence.
Normally, we think of the surface of the earth as divided up into land and sea, ... continents and oceans, but it is theoretically possible to build a continuous freeway, all around the earth, ... for example, at the equator. On this freeway, we can arrange to have cars travelling in the same direction, at a constant spacing of 100 meters, and hence all travelling at the same speed, ... 100 kilometers per hour, for example. If we look at this system from space, .... and think in terms of the motion of each car with respect to the center of the earth, ... we can see that what we have is a 'simultaneous harmony' or 'simultaneous unity and plurality' in that the collective ensemble (set) each individual constituent car are members of the same harmonic ensemble.
Now if we perturb this arrangement, by having a rabbit run across the road and forcing one of the drivers to step on their brakes, .... the driver behind will be forced to step on his brakes, and the driver behind him, and so on, ... all the way around the world to the point that the driver who originally braked for the rabbit will run into his own perturbation and be forced to adjust to it, and the adjustment will likewise be propagated on a continuing, and self-interfering basis.
This schema makes manifest the 'reciprocal disposition' associated with curved space-time as discussed by Einstein in 'Geometry and Experience' [1]; i.e. the fact that in this arrangement, any movement by any of the elements of the ensemble in curved space-time changes the 'reciprocal disposition' of the space in such a way that the 'shape' of space-time changes simultaneously with such movement. An important consideration since "space is endowed with physical properties" and is "a participant in physical phenomena".
This same effect can be seen in the game of pool. Pool emulates curved space-time since balls reflect off the four 'banks' like mirrors (the angle of reflection equals the angle of incidence) and thus a shot hitting the bank can be seen as going forward in a straight line'into' an adjacent 'virtual table' which is phase shifted ninety degrees with respect to the table the ball is coming from. It is possible for the billiard ball to encounter all four banks, ... and thus go forward in a straight line across four virtual tables and come back through the same point it started out, as if it had rolled the 360 degrees around the outside of a finite, unbounded sphere. That is, the configuration of balls in a game of pool involves 'reciprocal disposition' effects, ... simultaneous change between the movement of a ball and change in the 'shape' of the configuration. It is not necessary for any 'causal dynamics' to occur (i.e. for a ball to strike another) for this configurational change to occur. In fact, skilled pool players put the management of 'shape' in the primacy over the management of the causal dynamics, ... manipulating the shape so that 'shot-making' (causal dynamic) opportunities will continue to emerge in a desired fashion from the configuration and the player will not allow the evolving shape of the configuration to 'snooker' him (although he will attempt to 'snooker' the opposing player/s.
This example of pool is mentioned as it may provide a visualization aid a bit later in this discussion.
Returning to our convoy of cars travelling on the freeway around the world, ... which has been perturbed by a rabbit, ... in this thought experiment, we now want to bring the cars back into their original 'simultaneous harmony' configuration. We run into the problem, however, that every time a driver makes an adjustment, a new perturbation is introduced into the continuing, self-referential, perturbational interference train, constituted by the set of drivers and their responses.
We can look at this problem from the 'drivers eye view', where he is trying to observe the driver ahead and on the basis of what the driver ahead is doing, ... try to 'deconvolve' the response of the driver ahead while attempting to move back towards his targetted spacing of 100 meters. Now every driver on the 'round the world freeway' will be trying to do this, ... and, as mentioned, ... there is this problem that every move which is made introduces a new and continuing perturbational train into the system.
Each driver is effectively trying to 'harmonize out' (deconvolve) the actions of the driver in front of him and the problem we have here can be expressed by Russell's paradox; i.e. "the driver on a curved space highway who harmonizes all those and only those who do not harmonize themselves, can neither harmonize himself nor avoid doing so."
Also implicit is Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, in Feynman's generalized form of expressing it; "one cannot design equipment in any way to determine which of two alternatives is taken, without, at the same time, destroying the pattern of interference."
The drivers can gather as much information as they like concerning the speed and position of each and every car in the convoy, ... but there is no causal, sequential means, that is, no computational means, based on that information, which, when applied to their driving response, will move them back into the state of 'simultaneous harmony', since the determination of the velocity and position of the individual cars relative to some fixed reference frame will preclude the gathering of interference information.
The issue of perception comes into play here, since if the drivers think of themselves as driving on a flat plane in euclidian space (non-self-interfering space), ... they will not see any alternative way to return to the simultaneous harmony, but if they IMAGINE themselves as being in a relativistic curved space, ... looking down on themselves from space in the situation they are effectively in, ... they can forget about the fixed reference-based velocity and position data of the individual cars and, ... knowing the answer in advance, ... knowing the solution is possible, .. they can watch the spacing between themselves and the car in front and let that relative spacing guide their driving response until they are (all) back at a constant 100 meters spacing. This immersed mode of perception effectively allows the observing source to come into co-resonance with the observed phenomenon. It is, in effect, including the tools of inquiry (what is experienced) in the inquiry, ... a necessity noted by Heisenberg [2].
What the drivers are doing here is analogous to what is described by Dr. Denis Gabor in his 1946, quantum mechanics compliant 'Theory of Communications', ... shifting the informational viewsource from purely real, euclidian 'perspective' within some fixed reference point within the containing space, ... to a perspectiveless complex (real + imaginary) viewsource as if 'coming from' the containing space itself. The complex signal required to satisfy Pauli's formulation of the uncertainty principle (delta-epoch x delta-frequency ~= 1.) "transforms the oscillating vector into a [rotation-inducing] vector [field].
This effect is easily seen and experienced in the game of pool where the management of space-time configurational 'shape', or 'reciprocal disposition' is put into a primacy over the management of causal dynamics. In effect the mindset of the player (or driver) becomes the mindset of the containing space, or 'rotational' field which is acting upon the curved space configuration.
This same geometrical effect has also been studied in high performance teams where activities have been 'managed' as in an ecology so that multiple simultaneous resonances are sustained. What is happening here is that the 'players', by going into immersed perception mode, ... are unfixing their perspective and opening themselves up for coresonance between the activities in the containing environment and the constituent activities which they are engaging in. Such coresonance is impossible if one proceeds 'bottom-up' by directly managing the causal dynamics since this involves fixed reference 'perspective', .. a 'focusing' on the properties and behaviors of the constituents. This point, that simultaneous, relativistic harmonies, must dominate over local harmonies of the constituents, was emphasized by Johannes Kepler in both 'The Epitome of Copernican Astronomy and 'Harmonies of the World'. An illustrative excerpt from his sum-up to 'Harmonies of the World' is appended [3].
The view of the skilled pool player, and of Kepler, involve the same perceptual geometry, in that the observer is immersed in the space-time ensemble being observed and effectively become the 'eyes' of the container, witnessing the whole system from an immersed position. He is then in a position to put the activities he is influencing into co-resonance with the containing environment in which they (and he) are immersed; i.e. to put the full ensemble into coresonance with its constituents.
Inquiry which accounts for the shape of relativistic space-time shows that the evolution of the configuration is firstly a function of simultaneous 'reciprocal disposition' effects, ... that these reciprocal disposition effects are the overriding or 'general' evolutionary influence on the configuration. Causal dynamics, in the case of relativistic, curved space configurations, are a subordinate effect, or 'fallout' from the 'participation of space' via simultaneous interference. Perception, inquiry and system management, which engages directly with causal dynamics will be unable to account for and influence the over-riding effects associated with reciprocal disposition effects, and must instead be referenced to reciprocal disposition or 'shape' in order to bring about constituent- container (whole-and-part) coresonance, ... as is well known to the skilled pool player.
Further examples of the incompleteness of focusing in on causal dynamics out of the context of reciprocal disposition effects appear to emerge, for example, in conflicting views on the hypothesized causal relation between HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) and AIDS. For example, Dr. Peter Duesberg observes [4];
"Although the National Drug Control Study: 1996 is concerned about the safety of "America's [non-drug using] citizens" because "Hardcore drug users frequently are 'vectors' for the spread of infectious diseases such as hepatitis, tuberculosis, and HIV." 53, the Study misses the point that drugs cause the immunodeficiency necessary for these microbes to be pathogenic. It is for this reason that hardcore drug users are virtually the only "American citizens" who are victims of these microbes. " . . . "HIV/AIDS scientists ought to inform others that the overwhelming correlation between drugs and AIDS can not be just a coincidence, and that the literature already documents that the drugs used by AIDS patients can cause each of the 30 AIDS-defining diseases and deaths."
It would appear that Dr. Duesberg is implicitly making the same point as Kepler, that the interference effects on the space-time configuration due to 'reciprocal disposition' (coming from simultaneous interference) have the overriding effect with causal dynamics being subordinate. The drug 'heroine' or other 'recreational chemicals' may possibly be impacting the shape of the space-time configuration so that the reciprocal disposition patterns are 'snookering' or 'blocking' the immune system agents.
In sum, Gödel's Theorem forewarns that finite systems of logic and computation based on real binary information streams are incomplete with respect to solving problems of simultaneous harmony in relativistic curved space. Complex perception (wherein the observer imagines himself immersed within his observations) and/or complex information units, as described by Dr. Denis Gabor, which can capture container-content relational information (reciprocal disposition information) are needed in this (general) case. That is, in overcoming the limitations of Gödel's Theorem, self-referential perceptional approaches and/or information units are needed which account for the "... fact that 'empty space' in its physical relation is neither homogeneous nor isotropic" [5]
* * *
The ensemble of elements in curved space-time represents a 'simultaneous unity and plurality' which, to avoid 'incompleteness', must be modelled using mutually inclusive logic (a .AND. b), rather than mutually exclusive logic. If the driver in the thought experiment 'models' the situation in his mind in 'euclidian space' and sequential time, ... his will see himself as driving along a rectangular straight line (non self-interfering) as if over a flat plane, and will see his problem as one of 'going too fast' or 'going too slow' with respect to the ensemble, and will exercise one of his two alternative adjustments; i.e. 'speed up' or 'slow down'. This puts him into the situation described by Feynman's general formulation of Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, that "one cannot design equipment in any way to determine which of two alternatives is taken, without, at the same time, detroying the pattern of interference." ('Quantum Behavior' lecture, from 'Lectures on Physics'). If he DECIDES that he has fallen behind the pace or has moved beyond it, ... he is destroying the continuing interference pattern he needs to tune into to get back into the simultaneous harmony with the ensemble, and is implicitly viewing the system as a 'sequential unity and plurality' which is fully described by 'causal dynamics'. Since the system is self-referential and the causal view is innately incomplete, he has thus abandoned himself to an eternity of 'speed up', 'slow down' adjustments by this manner of perceiving and inquiring into it.
If, instead of thinking in euclidian 'straight line' terms which focuses on the 'reality out there' and which excludes his own dynamic from his perception and inquiry, ... if he instead imagines himself to be a participant in the curved space arrangement, ... i.e. if he visualizes himself in his own observational viewfield, and if he has sufficient information to monitor the patterns of reciprocal disposition or interference, then he will see that his responses are always 'good AND bad' at the same time with respect to moving towards the simultaneous equi-spaced harmony of all members of the set. That is, he will see the 'opportunity configuration' change with respect to moving towards the desired state of order. In this mode, he will progressively, together with the others, learn how his responses co-contribute to the interference patterns and this learning will enable the actions of the ensemble to converge on the desired state.
This effect of achieving simultaneous harmonies ('ecological harmony') amongst an 'ensemble of sense-and-respond agents' (i.e. a 'team'), by shifting the sense and respond 'loop' to the interference patterns emanating from the ensemble of activities which includes observer dynamic, is documented (in more implicit form) in the essay "Stakeholder Perspectives in a Knowledge Economy", London,1997 ( . The effect is also well-known in pool where the sense which comes to the skilled player's mind is not the causal sense of 'having made a good or bad move' but instead of having, by one's response, simultaneously opened up and closed down some 'opportunities' (in terms of the 'shape' of the interference patterns). And it is by keeping one's eye on the evolving shape of opportunity (sensing) and cultivating such opportunities (responding), that one moves towards the desired state of 'order'.
In essence, the incompleteness in logic, reference framing and psychological perception, all derive from the employing of 'mutual exclusion' rather than 'mutual inclusion', .. in logic where the members of an ensemble cannot at the same time be other members or the whole ensemble (disallowing self-referentiality), ... in reference framing, where the dynamics of the observer are detached from the dynamics of the euclidian viewfield (disallowing co-dynamics or 'coresonance'), ... in psychological perception, where the mutually exclusive, retrospective judgement of 'progress' or 'setback' converts the 'play' from the notion of a continually evolving opportunity configuration to one of sequential, causal progression (disallowing simultaneous 'harmony of whole and part' or disallowing 'ecological process'.).
[1] Excerpt speaking to 'reciprocal disposition' and perceptual approach in dealing with curved space and relativity, ... from Einstein's Address to the Prussian Academy of Science, January 27, 1921, entitled 'Geometry and Experience', which he concluded with the remark; " My only aim today has been to show that the human faculty of visualisation is by no means bound to capitulate to non-Euclidean geometry. "
"First of all, an observation of epistemological nature. A geometrical-physical theory as such is incapable of being directly pictured, being merely a system of concepts. But these concepts serve the purpose of bringing a multiplicity of real or imaginary sensory experiences into connection in the mind. To 'visualise' a theory, or bring it home to one's mind, therefore means to give a representation to that abundance of experiences for which the theory supplies the schematic arrangement. In the present case we have to ask ourselves how we can represent that relation of solid bodies with respect to their reciprocal disposition (contact) which corresponds to the theory of a finite universe. There is really nothing new in what I have to say about this; but innumerable questions addressed to me prove that the requirements of those who thirst for knowledge of these matters have not yet been completely satisfied. So, will the initiated please pardon me, if part of what I shall bring forward has long been known? "
[2] Excerpt from a discussion by Henry Stapp (Berkeley) in regard to the relationship between knowledge, experience and physical theory.
..."the key move of Bohr and Heisenberg et. al., [was] namely to recognize that science was actually about our knowledge, which is imbedded in our experience, and hence that the correct way to formulate physical theory was as a useful tool for making predictions about our experiences.This quantum viewpoint should satisfy the defender's of the idea that experiences are realities that must be dealt with up front as real`observables', for in this view experiences are the basic realities of the ontology, the epistomology, and the physical theory.
[3] Excerpt from the original, Johannes Kepler's 'Harmonice Mundi' (english translation follows); "Nun aber tragen zur Vervollkommnung der Welt mehr die Gesamtharmonien aller Planeten bei als die einzelnen Harmonien bei je zwei und die Paare von Harmonien bei je zwei benachbarten Planeten. Denn die Harmonie ist gewissermaßen ein Band der Vereinigung. Es liegt aber eine weitergehende Vereinigung vor, wenn alle Planeten miteinander eine Harmonie bilden, als wenn immer je zwei für sich in doppelter Weise harmonieren. Im Widerstreit dieser Harmonien mußte daher von den beiden Harmoniereihen, die die Planetenpaare miteinander bilden, die eine oder andere nachgeben, damit die Gesamtharmonien aller bestehen konnte."( Fehlschläge)
"Now, the 'harmony-of-the-whole of all the planets contributes more to the perfection of the world than the single harmonies by twos and the pairs of harmonies by the twos of neighbouring planets. For harmony is, so to speak, a volume [containerfull] of unity. A deeper unity yet is presented, when all the planets form a harmony with each another, as when just two at a time harmonize in a doubled manner. In the interference of these harmonies deriving from the dual harmonic line-ups, which the pairs of planets form with each another, the one or the other must capitulate, so that the harmony-of-the-whole can prevail."
[4] Excerpt on discussion by Dr. Peter Duesberg contesting the causal relationship between HIV and AIDS at
"7. How the HIV/AIDS orthodoxy divorces drugs from AIDS
Despite abundant evidence for drug pathogenicity, the orthodox medical literature almost unanimously disregards diseases from recreational drugs. Wearing their HIV/AIDS blinkers, AIDS researchers even fail to make the drug connection when matched groups of drug users, differing only in HIV, have the same diseases and high motrtality. Whereas, the diseases and high mortality of HIV-positive drug users are credited to HIV, those of HIV-negatives are credited to other microbes and even to contaminants of street drugs rather than to the psychoactive drugs themselves 39, 40, 86, 302, 324 (see 3. and below).
But even when drug use is recognized as a direct AIDS risk, the role of drugs is divorced from AIDS by unscientific manipulations including misrepresentations, double-standards, omissions of facts and controls and outright censorship. The following examples substantiate these assertions:
7.1. Disregarding drugs. Although 3.6 million Americans are regular users of cocaine and at least 0.6 million are addicted to heroin (see 3.) and a third of the 500,000 American AIDS patients are confirmed long-term intravenous drug users 3, 11, 26, the pathogenic effects of long-term cocaine and heroin use are not studied anywhere in the US and Europe 11, 16, 26, 121. But at least 100,000 American PhDs and MDs are studying the hypothetical pathogen HIV 11, 121.
. . . "Although the National Drug Control Study: 1996 is concerned about the safety of "America's [non-drug using] citizens" because "Hardcore drug users frequently are 'vectors' for the spread of infectious diseases such as hepatitis, tuberculosis, and HIV." 53, the Study misses the point that drugs cause the immunodeficiency necessary for these microbes to be pathogenic. It is for this reason that hardcore drug users are virtually the only "American citizens" who are victims of these microbes. "
... "HIV/AIDS scientists ought to inform others that the overwhelming correlation between drugs and AIDS can not be just a coincidence, and that the literature already documents that the drugs used by AIDS patients can cause each of the 30 AIDS-defining diseases and deaths."
[5] Einstein, Albert, ...'Ether and the Theory of Relativity': An Address delivered on May 5th, 1920, in the University of Leyden, Dover Publications Inc., 1993
"This space-time variability of the reciprocal relations of the standards of space and time, or, perhaps, the recognition of the fact that "empty space" in is physical relation is neither homogeneous nor isotropic, compelling us to describe its state by ten functions (the gravitation potentials g(mu,nu), has, I think, finally disposed of the view that space is physically empty. . . . The ether of the general theory of relativity is a medium which is itself devoid of 'all' mechanical and kinematical qualities, but helps to determine mechanical (and electromagnetic) events. . . .Recapitulating, we may say that according to the general theory of relativity, space is endowed with physical qualities."
>Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 14:39:39
>To: Zbignien WOLKOWSKI <>
>From: ted lumley <>
>Subject: Re: Message by Ted Lumley
>many thanks, i shall do so.
>At 03:28 PM 9/29/99 +0200, you wrote:
>>Thank you for your recent message. Henri Laborit is no more, but be did
>>give a very interesting lecture at the SCBS seminar some 15 years ago.
>>I would like to invite you to particpate in one of the (or several)
>>cybersymposia:, h.m.c. godel or cure.100
>>(please kindly check search engines for exact url). ith best regards,
>>Dr.Z.W. Wolkowski
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